Welcome to the 5th- 6th-grade class
A dedicated and student-focused teaching professional who is committed to providing a good balance, supportive, and engaging learning environment for all students. Aptitude to remain flexible, ensuring that every child's learning style and abilities are addressed. It is great to have you in my Spanish class and I look forward to a productive year together. we will be learning the building blocks of the Spanish language including Speaking, listening, reading, and writing. To make sure that we all do our best and have an environment conducive to learning, I ask that you follow the guidelines listed below. Keep an open mind, be willing to make mistakes, and be ready to learn. As a student, your expectations are : 1. Be in class and have good attendance. 2. Arrive on time . 3. snacks and gum will not be allowed. 4. No electronics unless permission is given. 5. Be responsible for all make-up work when you are absent. 6. Participate! This is the type of class where hands-on learning and having an open mind are critical to success. 7. Use class time wisely. 8. Do your own work. 9. Be positive, respectful, and engaged learners in the classroom. And most importantly, HAVE FUN! ZOOM LINK https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89814871307?pwd=U21OR1FkUDl5UDdXQ081YlhhRW9UUT09 |